Charging for electric cars

At Kolin Aamuranta, we offer electric car charging facilities

New service in summer 2024! We want to make your vacation in Koli as effortless and environmentally friendly as possible. That's why we're delighted to announce that in the summer of 2024, Kolin Aamuranta will be introducing electric car charging facilities! 

A more environmentally friendly travel option

Kolin Aamuranta aims to support sustainable travel by providing charging facilities for electric cars. This way, you can enjoy Koli in a more environmentally friendly way, without worrying about the adequacy of the charge.

Add more comfort to your vacation

In addition to electric car charging facilities, Kolin Aamuranta offers a wide range of other services and amenities that will make your vacation even more comfortable. Relax in the midst of nature, enjoy our activities and services, and make your vacation in Koli an unforgettable experience!

Book accommodation at Koli Aamuranta

Book your accommodation at Kolin Aamuranta and take advantage of our new services and amenities! Make your vacation in Koli effortless and enjoy all the benefits we offer.